About The Program
Understand the impact of UAE Corporate Income Tax (CIT) on the operational and financial performance of business. This webinar will provide a complete overview to develop your understanding of key concepts and knowledge of the UAE CIT.
You will be trained by an expert instructor in a knowledge stimulating learning environment.
Course Objectives
By the end of the session, participants will be able to:
- Understand CIT in UAE and its impact on business
- Understand the influence of CIT on the operational and financial performance
- Distinguish the various types of businesses which are exempt from UAE CIT
- Distinguish between the tax and accounting profit for CIT calculations
- Scope of CIT in UAE and its calculations
- Submission of CIT Returns
- Reconciliation of Accounting Profit with Tax Profit and application of CIT
Course Outline
- Background and CIT Principles
- What is CIT and why is it being implemented in the UAE?
- Impact of CIT on the UAE economy
- How does CIT work?
- Current status of CIT in the UAE and beyond
- Taxable Persons
- Who will be subject to UAE CIT?
- Legal entities within the scope of UAE CIT
- Individuals within the scope of UAE CIT
- Basis and calculation of Taxable Income
- What will the UAE CIT rate?
- Determine the business profit/income that will be subject to UAE CIT
- Will salary income be subject to UAE CIT?
- Will the income earned by a freelance professional be subject to UAE CIT?
- Will anyone be exempt from UAE CIT?
- Free Zones
- Will a free zone business be subject to UAE CIT?
- Will a free zone business be required to register and file a CIT return?
- UAE CIT for a free zone business established in a financial-free zone
- Tax Groups
- Can a group of UAE companies form a “fiscal unity” for UAE CIT purposes?
- Transfer Pricing
- What are the transfer pricing rules?
- Will transfer pricing rules be applicable to UAE businesses?
- International Tax Developments
- Will a foreign company or individual be subject to UAE CIT?
- Will income earned by a foreign investor be subject to UAE CIT?
- Will foreign CIT paid on UAE taxable income be recognised under the UAE CIT regime?
- Administrative Issues
- Will businesses be required to register for UAE CIT purposes?
- How often will UAE businesses need to file a UAE CIT return?
- Are there any consequences for non-compliance under the CIT regime?
4 hours
Online Live Classroom / Face to Face
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Certificate of Completion

Training Material

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